Wednesday, 3 August 2016

GSOC 2016- Modifying tests for “Fill Alt Text”, “Emotion Detection” and “Image Properties” features of Google Vision module- Week 10

TL;DR Last week, I had worked on and developed tests to ensure that the Alt Text field of an image file gets filled in accordance to the various detection features of the Vision API, namely Label Detection, Landmark Detection, Logo Detection and Optical Character Detection. This week I have worked to modify and add tests to various features of the Google Vision module, namely filling of Alt Text field, emotion detection of user pictures and grouping the image files on the basis of their dominant color component.

My mentors reviewed the code and the tests which I had put for review to get them committed to the Google Vision API module. However, the code needs some amendment pointed out by my mentors, which was to be corrected before commit. Hence, I spent this week working on the issues and resolving the flaws, rather than starting with a new feature.
Let me start discussing my work in detail.

I had submitted the code and the tests which ensure that the Alt Text field gets properly filled using various detection features according to the end user choice. However, as was pointed out by my mentor, it had one drawback- the user would not be able to manipulate or change the value of the field if he wishes to. Amidst the different options available to the end user to fill the alt text field of the image file, there was a small bug- once an option is selected, it was possible to switch between the options, however, disabling it was not working. After, been pointed out, I worked on modifying the feature and introducing the end user ability to manipulate the value of the field as and when required. Also, I worked on the second bug, and resolved the issues of disabling the feature.

Regarding the Emotion Detection(Face Detection) feature of the Vision API, I was guided to use injections instead of using the static methods directly, and to modify variables. For example, the use of get(‘entity_type.manager’) over the static call \Drupal::entityTypeManager(). Apart from these minor changes, a major issue was the feature was being called whenever an image file is associated with. However, I need to direct it to focus only when the user uploads an image, and not on its removal (as both the actions involves an image file, hence the bug).

In the issue, Implementation of Image Properties feature in the Vision API, I had queried multiple times to the database in the cycle to fetch results and build the routed page using the controllers. However, my mentor instructed me that its really a bad way of implementing the database queries to fetch the results. Hence, I modified the code and changed them to single queries to fetch the result and use them to build the page. In addition, I was asked to build the list using ‘item_list’ instead of using the conventional ‘#prefix’ and ‘#suffix’ to generate the list. Another important change in my approach towards my code was the use of db_query(), the use of which is deprecated. Hence, I switched to use addExpressions() instead of db_query().

Presently, the code is under review by the mentors. I will work further on them, once they get reviewed and I get further instructions on it.

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