Tuesday, 9 August 2016

GSOC 2016- Moving supporting functions to services and abstract parent classes- Week 11

TL;DR Last week I had worked on modifying the tests for “Fill Alt Text”, “Emotion Detection” and “Image Properties” features of the Google Vision API module. The only tasks left are moving the supporting functions to a separate service, in addition to, creating an abstract parent class for tests and moving the functions there.

The issues Alt Text field gets properly filled using various detection features, Emotion Detection(Face Detection) feature and Implementation of Image Properties feature of the Google Vision API module are still under review by my mentors. Meanwhile, my mentors asked me to move the supporting functions of the “Fill Alt Text” issue to a separate service and use it from there. In addition, they also suggested me to create an abstract parent class for the Google Vision simple tests, and move the supporting functions to the parent class. Thus, this week, I contributed to follow these suggestions and implement them out.

There are few supporting functions, namely, google_vision_set_alt_text() and google_vision_edit_alt_text() to fill the Alt Text in accordance to the feature requested from the Vision API, and also to manipulate the value, if needed. I moved these functions to a separate service, namely, FillAltText, and have altered the code to use the functions from there instead of directly accessing them.

In addition, there are a number of supporting functions used in the simple web tests of the module, to create users, contents and fields, which were placed in the test file itself, which in one way, is a kind of redundancy. Hence, I moved all these supporting functions to abstract parent class named GoogleVisionTestBase, and altered the test classes to extend the parent class instead and in place of WebTestBase. This removed the redundant code, as well as, gave a proper structure and orientation to the web tests.

These minor changes would be committed to the module directly, once the major issues are reviewed by my mentors and committed to the module.

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